GP Internet, Balance, SMS Check | GP Minute Check

Grameenphone, commonly known as GP, is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh. Gp has 83.02 million active users as of January 2022. In this article, we will delve into how you can check your GP internet balance, SMS balance, and minute balance to ensure you stay connected seamlessly.

GP Minute Check Method:

You can check your GP minute balance and monitor your remaining minute balance using this method. Dial *566*20# to check your GP minute balance.

USSD Code:

  • Dial *566*20# to instantly check your GP minute.MyGP App:
  • Dial *121*1*2# and press the call button.
  • A message will be sent to your phone, showing your remaining minute balance.

SMS Method:

  • Send an SMS with the text “M” to 4777.
  • You will receive a reply containing your remaining minute balance.

How To Check GP Minute, Balance, Number, MB and SMS:

  • Dial *566# to check your Grameenphone (GP) balance
  • Dial *566*20# to check your GP minute balance
  • Dial *2# to check your own GP number
  • Dial *121*1*4# to check the GP MB balance
  • Dial *566*2# to check the GP SMS balance
  • dial *121*1*2# To know gp minute check
  • dial *121*3041# To Cancel your GP Internet Package
GP Internet MB Check
How to check GP internet

GP Internet (MB) Check Method:

Grameenphone provides multiple methods for customers to check their internet balance. Dial *121*1*4# to check your GP internet balance instantly.

USSD Code:

  • Dial *121*1*4# and press the call button.
  • You will receive a message displaying your remaining internet balance.

MyGP App:

  • Download and install the MyGP app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Open the app, log in, and find your internet balance on the home screen.

SMS Method:

  • Send an SMS with the text “U” to 25000.
  • You will receive a reply containing your remaining internet balance.
GP Balance Check
How to check GP Balance

GP Balance Check Method:

To monitor your overall balance, including talk time and data, you can use the following methods: Dial *566# to check your GP balance.

USSD Code:

  • Dial *566# and press the call button.
  • Dial *121# and press the call button.
  • A menu will appear with various options. Select the option to check your balance.

SMS Method:

  • Send an SMS with the text “B” to 4777.
  • You will receive a message containing your remaining balance.

Checking GP SMS Balance:

If you frequently use SMS services, it’s essential to keep an eye on your remaining SMS balance. Dial *566*2# to check your current GP SMS balance.

USSD Code:

  • Dial *566*2# and press the call button.
  • A message will be sent to your phone, revealing your remaining SMS balance.

MyGP App:

  • Open the MyGP app and log in.
  • Navigate to the SMS section to view your remaining SMS balance.

SMS Method:

  • Send an SMS with the text “S” to 4777.
  • You will receive a reply containing your remaining SMS balance.

How to Check Own Grameenphone (GP) Number:

To check your own Grameenphone (GP) number in Bangladesh, you can use one of the following methods:

USSD code Method:

  • Dial *2# on your Grameenphone mobile phone.
  • You will receive a message displaying your own mobile number.

Send a free SMS:

  • Compose a new SMS.
  • Type “Number” and send it to 4949.
  • You will receive a message containing your Grameenphone number.

Contact customer service:

  • Dial 121 from your Grameenphone number.
  • Speak with a customer service representative and ask for assistance in retrieving your phone number.
Gp Minute offer
GP Minute Offer list

GP Minute Offer List 2024:

Whether you’re looking for daily, weekly, or monthly Grameenphone minute packages? GP Minute Offer List waiting for you.

Dial *121*4022# To buy 8 Minutes for 4 hours 5tk
Dial *121*4023# or *121*4024# to buy 11 minutes (GP-Any local operator)
Dial *121*4402#To buy 27 Minutes for 24 hours 19tk
Dial *121*4205# To buy 80 Minutes for 4 days 59tk
Dial *121*49# To buy 70 Minutes for 3 days 49tk
Dial *121*218# To buy 250 Minute 256 MB for 30 Days 218tk
Dial *121*397# To buy 100 Minutes and 1.2 GB for 30 Days 397tk
Dial *121*998# To buy 800 Minute 25 GB 500 SMS for 30 days 998tk
Dial *121*799# To buy 500 Minute 15 GB for 30 days 799tk
Dial *121*498# To buy 100 Minute 2.5 GB for 30 days 498tk
Dial *121*199# To buy 100 Minute 2.5 GB for 7 days 199tk
GP Internet Offer
GP Internet Offer

GP Internet Offer List 2024:

Explore the latest Grameenphone (GP) internet offers with our comprehensive list. Stay connected with affordable data plans, exciting packages, and exclusive promotions.

Dial *121*3097# To buy 100MB for 30 Days 97tk
Dial *121*3069# To buy 1GB for 7 Days 69tk
Dial *121*3194# To buy 1GB for 30 Days 194tk
Dial *121*3098# To buy 2GB for 7 Days 98tk
Dial *121*3458# To buy 2GB for 30 Days 298tk
Dial *121*3148# To buy 3GB for 7 Days 148tk
Dial *121*3370# To buy 3GB for 30 Days 399tk
Dial *121*3057# To buy 5GB for 7 Days 169tk
Dial *121*3419# To buy 5GB for 30 Days 499tk
Dial *121*3286# To buy 10GB for 7 Days 198tk
Dial *121*3439# To buy 10 GB for 30 Days 599tk
Dial *121*3425# To buy 15 GB for 7 Days 249tk
Dial *121*218# To buy 250 Minute 256 MB for 30 Days 218tk
Dial *121*397# To buy 100 Minute and 1.2 GB for 30 Days 397tk
Dial *121*998# To buy 800 Minute 25 GB 500 SMS for 30 days 998tk
Dial *121*799# To buy 500 Minute 15 GB for 30 days 799tk
Dial *121*498# To buy 100 Minute 2.5 GB for 30 days 498tk
Dial *121*199# To buy 100 Minute 2.5 GB for 7 days 199tk

জিপি মিনিট, নাম্বার, ব্যাল্যান্স, এসএমএস ও এমবি চেক করবেন যেভাবেঃ

  • জিপি ব্যাল্যান্স চেক করতে ডায়েল করুন *566#
  • জিপি সিমের মিনিট চেক করতে ডায়েল করুন *566*20#
  • জিপি সিমের নাম্বার চেক করার জন্য ডায়েল করুন *2#
  • জিপি এমবি চেক করার জন্য ডায়েল করুন *121*2*4#
  • জিপি এসএমএস ব্যাল্যান্স চেক করতে ডায়েল করুন *566*2#
  • জিপি মিনিট ব্যাল্যান্স জানতে ডায়েল করুন *121*1*2#
  • জিপি সিমের সকল ইন্টারনেট প্যাকেজ বাতিল করার জন্য ডায়েল করুন *121*3040#

এছাড়াও আপনি জানতে পারেন…

বাংলালিংক ব্যালেন্স চেক কোড | Banglalink Balance Check

Banglalink Number Check | বাংলালিংক নাম্বার চেক করার কোড

রবিতে ব্যালেন্স চেক করার নিয়ম | Robi Balance Check

রবি মিনিট চেক করে কিভাবে | Robi Minute Check Code


GP minute offer

Dial *121*4022# To buy 8 Minutes for 4 hours 5tk
Dial *121*4023# or *121*4024# to buy 11 minutes (GP-Any local operator)
Dial *121*4402#To buy 27 Minutes for 24 hours 19tk
Dial *121*4205# To buy 80 Minutes for 4 days 59tk
Dial *121*49# To buy 70 Minutes for 3 days 49tk

GP minute code

Dial *121*4022# To buy 8 Minutes for 4 hours 5tk
Dial *121*4023# or *121*4024# to buy 11 minutes (GP-Any local operator)
Dial *121*4402#To buy 27 Minutes for 24 hours 19tk
Dial *121*4205# To buy 80 Minutes for 4 days 59tk
Dial *121*49# To buy 70 Minutes for 3 days 49tk
Dial *121*218# To buy 250 Minute 256 MB for 30 Days 218tk
Dial *121*397# To buy 100 Minutes and 1.2 GB for 30 Days 397tk

GP minute offer 30 days

Dial *121*218# To buy 250 Minute 256 MB for 30 Days 218tk
Dial *121*397# To buy 100 Minutes and 1.2 GB for 30 Days 397tk
Dial *121*998# To buy 800 Minute 25 GB 500 SMS for 30 days 998tk
Dial *121*799# To buy 500 Minute 15 GB for 30 days 799tk
Dial *121*498# To buy 100 Minute 2.5 GB for 30 days 498tk

GP minute check code free

GP minute check code free is *566*20#

GP 3 tk 5 minute code

GP 3 tk 5 minute code *121*4022#

GP minute offer list

Dial *121*4022# To buy 8 Minutes for 4 hours 5tk
Dial *121*4023# or *121*4024# to buy 11 minutes (GP-Any local operator)
Dial *121*4402#To buy 27 Minutes for 24 hours 19tk
Dial *121*4205# To buy 80 Minutes for 4 days 59tk
Dial *121*49# To buy 70 Minutes for 3 days 49tk

GP internet offer code

Dial *121*3097# To buy 100MB for 30 Days 97tk
Dial *121*3069# To buy 1GB for 7 Days 69tk
Dial *121*3194# To buy 1GB for 30 Days 194tk
Dial *121*3098# To buy 2GB for 7 Days 98tk
Dial *121*3458# To buy 2GB for 30 Days 298tk
Dial *121*3148# To buy 3GB for 7 Days 148tk
Dial *121*3370# To buy 3GB for 30 Days 399tk

GP internet offer 7 days

Dial *121*3069# To buy 1GB for 7 Days 69tk
Dial *121*3098# To buy 2GB for 7 Days 98tk
Dial *121*3148# To buy 3GB for 7 Days 148tk
Dial *121*3057# To buy 5GB for 7 Days 169tk
Dial *121*3286# To buy 10GB for 7 Days 198tk
Dial *121*3425# To buy 15 GB for 7 Days 249tk

GP internet offer 30 days

Dial *121*3097# To buy 100MB for 30 Days 97tk
Dial *121*3194# To buy 1GB for 30 Days 194tk
Dial *121*3458# To buy 2GB for 30 Days 298tk
Dial *121*3370# To buy 3GB for 30 Days 399tk
Dial *121*3419# To buy 5GB for 30 Days 499tk
Dial *121*3439# To buy 10 GB for 30 Days 599tk
Dial *121*799# To buy 500 Minute 15 GB for 30 days 799tk

GP balance check code

gp balance check code is *566#

GP emergency balance check code

gp emergency balance check code is *1010*1#

GP Internet balance check

gp internet balance check code is *121*1*4#

GP SMS balance check

gp sms balance check code *566*2#

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